No Tenant,
No Management Fee.

Complete peace of mind service with FULL guarantee.


Living overseas, having a property in Istanbul ?

We provide a straighforward, hassle free service to landlords throughout the city, which is why we look after properties on behalf of our clients from Turkiye and all around the world.

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Be Part of Something Different

In seventeen years we have yet to lose a single client. Join us today and find out why.  A recent survey of our site management clients highlighted a satisfaction rate of 94%. Beat that !


Have not you invested yet ?

If you are looking for an investment opportunity our experienced professional team can provide you the service at international corporate standards.

Moreover, regardless of buying through us or yourself directly our property management services can start even before you make the purchase or take over your property. 

Data & Market Intelligence is at the heart of what we do,
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Complete peace of mind service
with FULL guarantee

You do not need any third party service when working with us. You will have a team of in-house professionals including solicitors,
accountants, maintenance and refurbishment workers. Your dedicated property manager...all at your discretion.

No Tenant, No Management Fee
Full Property Management Services
Straightforward, hassle-free service